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  • alexcraig96

50 Blog Post Ideas

So you're starting a blog and you don't know what to write about. No worries, this comprehensive list is sure to get your brain flowing with ideas:

  1. Day In The Life 

  2. Profile Your Role Models

  3. Write A Review / Open Letter

  4. Create a list of _____

  5. Nobody knows that I….

  6. Bucket list

  7. Advice to Your Younger Self

  8. Movie Characters ____

  9. Ultimate Food Recipes 

  10. Ways To Treat a SunBurn 

  11. Summer/Spring Decor 

  12. 30 Before 30 or 100 Things…

  13. KISS 

  14.  What-Not-To-Do 

  15. 5 Ingredient Lunches

  16. Document something you’ve never done. 

  17. Easy Gardening Routines 

  18. How To Fit In Self-Care for Busy ____

  19. How To Live More Simply

  20. How To Love During <season>

  21. Top Productivity Tips

  22. 10 Ways You Save Money 

  23. Top ways You Deal With Stress

  24. Top Things To Do In <city>

  25. Your comfort foods 

  26.  Fun Backyard Activities

  27.  Frugal Date Night Ideas 

  28.  Top Motivational Quotes

  29.  Places To Explore

  30.  Packing Tips for Beginners

  31.  Five Ways to ______

  32.  How To Be A Great Friend

  33.  Your Skincare Routine 

  34. Personal Growth Tips & Tricks

  35.  What To Do When ________

  36.  Your Favourite Easy Snacks/Meals

  37.  Comfort Food Recipes Everyone Needs

  38. The Best Shops For _____

  39.  Places To Visit

  40.  How To Achieve Your Personal Goals

  41.  Recipes For The Perfect Picnic 

  42.  Summer Hiking List 

  43.  Back-To-School Lists 

  44.  Iced Coffee Recipes

  45.  Halloween Craft/DIY/Decor 

  46.  Journal Prompts 

  47.  Use 5 Words To Describe Yourself

  48.  Rant About Something

  49.  Write in a •niche•

  50.  A Comprehensive List of _____ 

Whatever platform you're choosing to use, hopefully this gave you some ideas to get started on your own journey.

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