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  • alexcraig96

Journal Dump

This one stings a bit.

I was asked to write an autobiography in a few days. 250 pages, many many more words.

I think I have synthesia, which is when you see people as colours. My best friend shows up as red more often than not. Do you ever feel like we come from mars?

What do you love?

Tea• Coffee • Hot Chocolate • Lattes • Music • Movies • Family • Friends • Books • Art • Social Media • Hamburgers • Sandwiches • Scones • The Sun • Frogs • Hiking • Spaghetti • Tacos & Fajitas • Bugs (not mosquitoes) • Cycling • Apples • Autumn • Dancing • Cheese • Blueberry Jam • Flowers • Stories • The Ocean • Peanut Butter • Painting • Piano • Daisies • Potatoes •

I was abandoned at birth, adopted at three. Aware of my mortality. So I retaliated emphatically. I was a spiritual being who took it too far. I was asked to write an autobiography from mars. He had motive: Sort that one out for me.

Do you ever feel like your days are numbered?

  1. List all of the things you're grateful for

  2. Things you're excited about

  3. Reflect on your personal goals

  4. -

I love her more. I understand why her eyes are green. At three I was taken by wings of affection and at eighteen I was shaken. I loved her more.

He lost control when he kissed me:

Perfect timing does not exist. He threw me against a wall, then into the hall. I'm not a mind reader, but I met the reaper and she's telling me she has a demon.


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