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  • Aura Works

Quick Poetry

Another one coming in hot by Aura Works.

How It Came To Be

Generations of women standing up to a spark with their eyes. Memories in the dark. Let me run away.

Generational Ideas called Hopes and Dreams. He killed her while the three year old watched. She was sent to live with her aunt. Until a few years went by and she got pregnant.

Into the world I come, taking the definition of young and dumb.

Taken at three emphatically. No worries, we chat telepathically. Trauma and pain stops quietly.

She left me with Nice People for three days. New Family, The Babysitter, Grandpa.

Abandoned and kidnapped violently; Trauma and pain stops quietly.


Abandoned emphatically, taken at 23. I’m having every mental breakdown I’ve ever needed right now.

It strikes me how long ago that was. A dark wave, a deep pit.

When I was a kid, catching bugs free of personality flaws, chasing the crickets. I put them in jars. I’m having every mental breakdown I’ve ever needed right now.

Agoraphobia, afraid to leave.

Personality flaws, tunnel vision, thoughts cascading deep in their cocoon.

I put them in jars and leave them on the shelf with my thoughts.

I’m having every mental breakdown I’ve ever needed right now.

Two poems by Aura Works. Make sure you check out their books!

Quick Poetry / Aura Works

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